Who Needs Recreational & Outdoor Park Signs?
All levels of government – from federal to state to local municipalities – require outdoor signs. Government agencies often regulate parks and recreational areas, and there are strict mandates about what signs must be posted, what they need to say and where they should appear. In addition, homeowners associations (HOAs) require outdoor signs to indicate borders and post rules and regulations for tenants. Businesses use outdoor signs for advertising and directing visitors. And sometimes, individuals want a sign or marker for their property. In all cases, the objective is to create durable outdoor park signs that require little to no maintenance, recreate or reinforce your brand's image and fit within an allotted budget.
National & State Park Signs
As you travel through a state or national park, signs are everywhere you look. If well-executed, the signs will present a cohesive, branded style that is distinctive enough to let visitors know at a glance which recreation area they're in. Here are some examples of signs for parks:
- Park Entrance Signs to welcome visitors
- Outdoor Wayfinding Signage to guide drivers, walkers, bikers & equestrians
- Historical Markers
- Park Information Signs with hours & rules for conduct
- Point-of-Interest Signs
- Outdoor Interpretive Signs to educate visitors about things like local wildlife, natural habitats and the region's geographic origins
- Campground Entrance Signs
- Interpretive Trail Signs and Markers
- Maps & Map Holders
- Hiking Trail Signs to keep visitors on the right path
- Playground and Pool Rules
- Ballfield Designations
Signage for Municipalities
As you drive through your city, you'll notice various signs along the way that your municipality has posted. There is the "Welcome to (Your Town)" message. You'll see signs for public services like police and fire stations, hospitals and schools. And you'll pass outdoor park signage that invites you to spend a little time on a bench under the trees. All of these signs are the responsibility of your local government. When done well, they have a cohesive, branded look, so you know without a doubt which city you're in as you drive, walk or bike through its streets.
Homeowners Association (HOA) Signs
Gated communities are tight-knit and carefully managed to create a safe, pleasant environment for their residents. The local HOA handles the money collected from residents to maintain the property in and around their complex. Part of the responsibility of the HOA is to provide outdoor signs, including the ones that mark the entrance to your community, playground areas and community biking and hiking trails. There are also institutional HOA signs for things like speed limits, parking lot rules and warning off trespassers. All of these custom signs should reflect your HOA's unique brand.
Business & Personal Property Signs
Custom-made signs for local businesses have an eye-appeal that's hard to ignore. A large sign shaped like a tooth for a dental group, for example, is sure to garner attention while promoting a very specific brand. Private citizens may choose to have a sign made for their mailbox, lamppost or summer cabin. Outdoor signs are all over, but it's the easy-to-read, well-constructed messages that stay in your mind.

What Are Outdoor Signs for Parks Made Of?
If you want park and recreation signs that are going to withstand any number of hazards, like inclement weather or graffiti, choose durable materials that are also low-maintenance:
- HDPE: High-density polyethylene is made of recycled plastic from things like milk and detergent jugs. HDPE produces sturdy, maintenance-free signs using UV-stabilized colors and recessed or raised letters. HDPE signs are non-porous, making them resistant to damage from graffiti.
- HPL: Custom high-pressure laminate signs with FE Fiberglass enable embedded, full-color photo printing/illustrations. HPL signs are ideal for many applications, including park map stations and educational signs.
- Acrylic and Various Metals: These materials are used for lettering, signs and plaques. For example, custom-printed aluminum signs are permanent and durable.
How to Create Messaging for Park and Recreation Signs
The size and style of your type are the first considerations in creating effective park signs. There are other factors as well that come together to create signage that promotes your unique brand:
- Will the viewer be passing quickly or stopping to read it? For example, if you're doing a street sign, there's a formula based on the traveler's speed and distance from the messaging. This formula determines the lettering size needed to ensure your message is comprehensible.
- Sign lettering should contrast with the background for ultimate readability.
- The type font you use on any sign should be clean and easy to read at a glance. Unless you're adding someone's signature at the bottom, avoid using script typefaces, which can be difficult to discern.
- All of your signs should be designed consistently so they're easily recognized. For example, your logo should be in the same place on all your park signs. This is a visual cue for visitors, even if they don't consciously recognize it.
- Choose a unique shape if you want your sign to stand out.
Partner with Bright Idea Shops to Create Your Public Park Signs
Bright Idea Shops has the experience and talent to help you plan and design custom outdoor signs for parks & recreation. From camping signs to visual graphics for your business or neighborhood, we can create park and recreation signs that communicate your message effectively while establishing – or reinforcing – your brand-specific image. Durable and maintenance-free, park signs from Bright Idea Shops will bring you many years of worry-free performance. Contact us for a quote today!
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